More widely known as FlowTech
Our dashboard allows for full control of your server from any web browser.
All servers cost $15 per month. This price allows us to keep paying for dedicated server hardware and all other expenses that go along with running a website.
Payments are set up through PayPal, so none of your financial information is stored by us.
Our dashboard is fully responsive. That means it scales to fit all different types of devices and screen sizes.
Simply click a button on the website to view our support widget. This contains FAQ's and helpful tips as well as a ticket system to directly and privately contact support staff.
We update the servers as quickly as we can when a new update is officially released. This means we are always quick to support the newest server features.
Full list of features available in the current release. May be missing some of the newest features.
All core server features are included, however there are
some additional features which can be purchased separately as an add-on.
Host a series through the MXSLobby website. Qualifying, sign-ups, results, and standings are integrated into the website. The server control panel can also automatically generate the scripts for races.