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250 Amateur(125/250) - Top 40 Qualify


450 Amateur(250T/450) - Top 40 Qualify


OPEN NOVICE(Open) - Top 40 Qualify

1Jeremy Gwiozdowski7750C 1:08.515
2Cameron Perkins14568C 1:08.664
3Dakota Washburn23340C 1:08.882
4Conner Pate18289A 1:08.960
5Trey Smith20848C 1:08.984
6Ian Farry16117C 1:09.289
7Anders Kirial10886B 1:09.320
8Zachary Adams18905B 1:09.703
9Braiden Ehle17003B 1:10.093
10Brandon Crase17934B 1:10.109
11Jordan Crowder18885B 1:10.156
12Kobee Knight6882C 1:10.171
13Zach Easter23319A 1:10.328
14Kent Keyser4431C 1:10.335
15Connor Wells20897B 1:10.492
16luke gardiner21396A 1:10.617
17Issac Morgan2249C 1:11.679
18Adam Robson16652C 1:11.921
19Guilherme Cabral14492B 1:12.273
20wristin grigg21385B 1:13.007
21Kobe Herrick24552C 1:13.398
22Trey Brodersen24132C 1:13.750
23Blaine Stegenga23702B 1:13.812
24Jackson Brown17827C 1:13.906
25Geovane Santos24047B 1:14.164
26Wyatt Carter13203C 1:14.632
27Sebastian Bang Jensen10812C 1:14.734
28jack perry18306C 1:16.242
29Evan Welle19854B 1:16.242
30bryan kelly11386C 1:16.429
31Ryan Larkins20776C 1:16.609
32Greg Conrad24763C 1:17.289
33Tas Hutch21887C 1:17.375
34Corby Marini18548C 1:17.492
35Hayden Grimes24806B 1:18.015
36Dylan Kelso18294C 1:18.031
37cole v18195B 1:19.875
38Dillon Carlson17801C 1:21.171
39Solomon Khalife24111C 1:21.257
40Tanner Walker24195C 1:21.398
41jaden lee13137C 1:22.820
42Jacob Ortiz23313C 1:22.992
43Ethan Holland16925B 1:23.476
44jacob hawks15975C 1:23.914
45Owen Adams22023B 1:24.312
46Alex Dodd18282C 1:25.820
47Ernesto Cota 23601C 1:26.671
48Connor Papora19746C 1:26.710
49Sean Swett15407C 1:27.234
50Matthew Strong20351C 1:27.945
51Daniel Johnson2452C 1:29.187
52Ian Brauning19909C 1:29.351
53Caleb Clark11831C 1:31.000
54Nathan Kennett23117C 1:31.203
55Matt Miles22326C 1:31.406
56Rafael Moreno24707C 1:31.500
57Jacob Baboolal20444C 1:31.585
58hunter braun19534C 1:31.679
59Tyler Bartlett23482C 1:33.101
60tyler obryan22512C 1:36.789
61Junior Benevides20912B 1:41.914
62carson nealey21383C 1:46.804
63Ashton Rakofsky24566B 1:46.945
64Justin Wyrick13005C 1:49.281
65Unclaimed Account21470C 1:51.132
66Gavin Ortiz14800C 1:51.296
67Justin Graham24271C 2:00.843
68Unclaimed Account1074CNo Sessions
69John Clement1572CNo Sessions
70Unclaimed Account3008CNo Sessions
71bruce murphy15640CNo Sessions
72Evan Payer18744CNo Sessions
73Brock Stewart19075CNo Sessions
74Christian Byers21006CNo Sessions
75Wesley Oliveira21153CNo Sessions
76Bradley Smith21414CNo Sessions

250 Amateur Results

1Phil Doyon1456125
2Hayden Stevenson2337922
3Kevin Gonzalez2318520
4Noah Karassy1979118
5Alex Vusttos2362916
6Kieran Hildebrand1080815
7Dalton Witter1845414
8Alex Helms1891513
9Dale Mullins1549612
10Jeremy Atkinson538111
11Stephen Cameron1065810
12Bryan Hedge129469
13Alec Weiand107398
14Alan Nevers231297
15Reno Brennan142566
16Charles Gable176115
17Aleksander Silva104144
18Jacob melton198653
19Hunter McClung233222
20Josh Howard177941

450 Amateur Results

1Colby egeland2390125
2adrian wilson1389022
3Ethan Howell1526820
4Carlos Beasley1580518
5Jakob Hubbard2397116
6Andre Feitosa1136115
7Matthew Parise1587314
8Ricky Williams1444413
9Jett Wisdom1893112
10Jacob Gosche1701911
11Michael Geraci1681110
12Kam Goff192839
13James McKie44488
14junior villeneuve213027
15Dustin Mitchell239056
16eric kidney86945
17William Seim153794
18Josh Bellinger220613
19Andrew Lipsett184592
20Luchito DutraJ137991
21Dylan Mecalis191261
22Jake Fisher212301


1Brandon Crase1793425
2Kent Keyser443122
3Issac Morgan224920
4Ryan Larkins2077618
5wristin grigg2138516
6Cameron Perkins1456815
7Kobe Herrick2455214
8Junior Benevides2091213
9Dakota Washburn2334012
10Hayden Grimes2480611
11bryan kelly1138610
12Evan Welle198549
13Guilherme Cabral144928
14Greg Conrad247637
15Matt Miles223266
16Trey Brodersen241325
17Geovane Santos240474
18Trey Smith208483
19Blaine Stegenga237022
20Jeremy Gwiozdowski77501
21Conner Pate182891
22jack perry183061

  • Name of Protested Rider:
  • UID of Protested Rider:
  • Demo Link:
  • Demo Time:
  • Type:

Protesting Rider: Jakob Hubbard

Protested Rider: Eric Kidney(8694)

Protest Message: "Welp, enough said, he would not move for the leader aka me. he not only took me out once, but failed to stop and let me by the second time"

Eric Kidney will be given a warning for this occurrence. He needs to be more careful in making sure he gets out of leaders way and try his best hold his line and move out of way when safe to do so.

Demo Time:3:42 - 4:10

Protesting Rider: Phil Doyon

Protested Rider: Alex Helms | Sender Designs(18915)

Protest Message: "If you watch from 4:35 (finish line) to 4:55 (when he crashes while trying to pass another rider), he sees the blue bar with 0.5 to 1.1 sec and he NEVER tries to move, he decides to attempt a pass in the corner and he died there. This is not the way to ride when you are being lapped..."

Alex Helms will be given a warning for failing to let leader by when blue bar indicates less than 1 sec which it clearly does in demo. Next incident may result in a suspension.

Demo Time:4:35 to 4:55

Protesting Rider: Phil Doyon

Protested Rider: Bryan Hedge | MotoMods/Neff Honda(12946)

Protest Message: "Same thing but in this case, he holds the fast lines , he never attempted to let me pass and he hit a bale before the rythem section = causing me to crash "

Bryan Hedge neglects to allow leader go by when blue bar clearly indicates under 1 second for about a full lap. He then crashes in front of leader and causes the leader to go down. Bryan Hedge will be given a 1 week suspension and will be able to signup on week 4 of SX series.

Demo Time:4:53 to 5:43

Protesting Rider: Phil Doyon

Protested Rider: Dale Mullins #D-Mull(15496)

Protest Message: "Dale knows i am lapping him (blue bar) ... unsafe track re entry causing the leader to a semi-crash . Cmon Dale !!!"

Dale goes off the track after the triple knowing that he has had the blue for some time and makes an unsafe track entry resulting in causing the leader to crash. Dale will be given a one week suspension and be able to resume racing the series at round 4.

Demo Time:6:50 to 7:00

Protesting Rider: Phil Doyon

Protested Rider: Kieran Hildebrand | J.Perry Designs(10808)

Protest Message: "Kieran sees that i am not tripling in and he tries it.. almost land on my head then he continues to push (if he didnt crash he would have continued to push and never let me by) "

Kieran failed to move out of the way for the leader when the blue bar clearly indicates less than 1 second however I do not see enough reason to give any sort of suspension as it did not result and any real issues. Kieran will be given an warning and is advised to pay attention to the blue flag

Demo Time:11:15 to 11:37

Protesting Rider: Phil Doyon

Protested Rider: Noah Karassy | RedLine

Protest Message: "Never had a problem with Noah, hes a good racer but in this particular case : unsafe track re entry causing the leader to crash (idc about my 50 secs lead, i just want them to be smarter on the track)"

Noah does make an unsafe track entry but the current blue bar time indicated to him was over 2 seconds. This does result in the leader crashing but I do not see enough evidence for a ban. Noah will be given a warning and advised to pay more attention to leaders lapping him.

Demo Time:12:40 to 12:50