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125 Open(125) - Top 32 Qualify

1Seth Garrett18588A 0:20.742
2Cody Branson15155A 0:20.812
3Jacob melton19865B 0:21.054
4Nick Tomasunas8501C 0:21.101
5Brian Brinker26411C 0:21.132
6Carson West26504C 0:21.148
7Ryan Pinkerton36809C 0:21.195
8Colt Hans30353C 0:21.218
9Hayden Stevenson23379B 0:21.382
10Dray Smith21854B 0:21.406
11Dylan Love29623B 0:21.429
12Bodhi Pangle23369C 0:21.453
13Matthew LeBlanc34474C 0:21.492
14JR Reyes37458C 0:21.531
15Devin DUH Simonson36799C 0:21.546
16Sebastien Racine30368C 0:21.617
17JoJo Dashosh17892C 0:21.648
18Trevor Spencer31221A 0:21.656
19Jacob Kelly34905C 0:21.664
20Jadon cooper36624C 0:21.726
21Tyler Smith10661C 0:21.757
22Josh Hoover30342C 0:21.757
23cody COOPER37364C 0:21.765
24Sonny Spicer23831C 0:21.773
25Blake Wicklund33351C 0:21.773
26Matthew jordan36060C 0:21.781
27Lennart Schmidt13475C 0:21.968
28Tristan Powell32796C 0:22.023
29Ethan Holland16925B 0:22.046
30Chuckie Nigrin32021C 0:22.085
31Nolan Egeland45634C 0:22.101
32Joseph Pilsner22937C 0:22.117
33Kalin Gunnell39882C 0:22.156
34Anthony Twidle4100A 0:22.187
35cody mcmurray31340C 0:22.273
36Donald Carawan29178C 0:22.281
37Gerald Hurkderger18709B 0:22.343
38justen stolz38345C 0:22.343
39oscar manias18203C 0:22.375
40Carter Halpain30376C 0:22.468
41Zachary Adams18905B 0:22.476
42Trestin Beets33825C 0:22.492
43Nick Niles20656C 0:22.507
44Brandon Huntington3965C 0:22.570
45John Matthews39312C 0:22.625
46Jimmy Griffin31491C 0:22.679
47ty sharp18914C 0:22.750
48Jack Borg25371C 0:22.750
49Juan Gomez37993C 0:22.750
50Tom Lees Jr19228C 0:22.781
51Ryder Troutman 34786C 0:22.812
52Christopher McPherson31857C 0:22.859
53christopher rodriguez31653C 0:23.070
54sam butler26920C 0:23.109
55wilson fleming3939C 0:23.125
56Ethan Curran30702C 0:23.148
57kaden rhodes33281C 0:23.250
58Bertram Hansen39172C 0:23.367
59BRADY GILMORE31338C 0:23.453
60Ben Kongmany35560C 0:23.531
61Alan Nevers23129C 0:23.554
62Carter Greer21267C 0:23.695
63Trevor Shaffer22919A 0:23.796
64tyler conklin24889C 0:24.054
65myles gilmore31949C 0:24.734
66austin batzer37894C 0:26.484
67mattia vincenti38027C 0:28.085
68Brent Heintzelman683ANo Sessions
69Bentley Tondu2207CNo Sessions
70Zac Palm17309CNo Sessions
71Chris Post22504CNo Sessions
72Brandon Nigrin22612BNo Sessions
73Derek Jones23778CNo Sessions
74lance legstrong24320CNo Sessions
75Brittan Lees24402CNo Sessions
76LIAM Atkinson25419CNo Sessions
77Matteo Brusi26954CNo Sessions
78Dawson Sleeper27846CNo Sessions
79Ryan Flemming27902CNo Sessions
80Josh Dalglish27944CNo Sessions
81Matt Thompson29904CNo Sessions
82Kaleb Armstrong30410CNo Sessions
83Nathan McLaughlin31541CNo Sessions
84Unclaimed Account32846CNo Sessions
85Rhys Harris33274CNo Sessions
86Tristan Raycraft33540CNo Sessions
87Brody Biggs34527CNo Sessions
88Joey Amato35824CNo Sessions
89shelby Rempel36241CNo Sessions
90Tanner Scott36549CNo Sessions
91Landon Bartol37215CNo Sessions
92Joseph Naia37385CNo Sessions
93Kyle Paleologos38696CNo Sessions
94Hans Christian Mattson 39075CNo Sessions
95Josh crumet44019CNo Sessions
96gunnar ortiz45543CNo Sessions
97Rhys Harris45660CNo Sessions

250 AM(125/250) - Top 32 Qualify

1Jimmy Neutron26349C 0:20.484
2Alec Horn19554C 0:20.625
3Jacob melton19865B 0:20.671
4Jett Holyhead30293C 0:20.710
5Hayden Stevenson23379B 0:20.812
6Ethan Howell15268A 0:20.906
7Lukas Reagan17661B 0:20.906
8Dray Smith21854B 0:20.968
9Jake Spease30371C 0:21.000
10Ryder Gwynn18752C 0:21.062
11Brian Brinker26411C 0:21.062
12Chuckie Nigrin32021C 0:21.132
13Lennart Schmidt13475C 0:21.156
14Brody Barton34825C 0:21.195
15Ashton Rakofsky24566B 0:21.242
16Jadon cooper36624C 0:21.250
17Joseph Wagner13750C 0:21.257
18Blake Wicklund33351C 0:21.273
19Bodhi Pangle23369C 0:21.289
20laquan williams31521C 0:21.289
21Noah Karassy19791B 0:21.328
22Sonny Spicer23831C 0:21.367
23Damion Lawyer33936C 0:21.445
24cody COOPER37364C 0:21.453
25Lawson Dye30681C 0:21.468
26Matthew LeBlanc34474C 0:21.468
27Ryan Flemming27902C 0:21.515
28Christopher McPherson31857C 0:21.515
29Carter Halpain30376C 0:21.539
30Tyler Smith10661C 0:21.593
31JoJo Dashosh17892C 0:21.601
32Nolan Egeland45634C 0:21.609
33Sebastien Racine30368C 0:21.617
34Jonathan Hewitt38722C 0:21.617
35Luca Giampaolo19617C 0:21.648
36Talan Zollers34198C 0:21.687
37justen stolz38345C 0:21.718
38Trestin Beets33825C 0:21.726
39Sam Hawes28267C 0:21.734
40Justin Sanders5382C 0:21.757
41Miguel de Waal19848C 0:21.757
42Timmy Briscoe19001B 0:21.781
43Noah Smerdon29577C 0:21.835
44Donald Carawan29178C 0:21.851
45Jason Stubbs28851C 0:21.968
46Kaleb Armstrong30410C 0:21.976
47brock Gardina 23863C 0:22.031
48Ethan Holland16925B 0:22.046
49ty sharp18914C 0:22.093
50John Matthews39312C 0:22.109
51freakin steez33556C 0:22.117
52Samuel Bragg26490C 0:22.156
53Kalin Gunnell39882C 0:22.156
54Tom Lees Jr19228C 0:22.164
55Zachary Adams18905B 0:22.203
56Ethan Curran30702C 0:22.226
57Owen Adams22023B 0:22.257
58Conner Schmude36404C 0:22.289
59Nick Niles20656C 0:22.320
60Ryder Troutman 34786C 0:22.320
61Unclaimed Account34999C 0:22.335
62Cole Roberts38350C 0:22.367
63Bayler Mckellar38678C 0:22.382
64Ethan Lenox38790C 0:22.421
65Zac Palm17309C 0:22.484
66kaden rhodes33281C 0:22.500
67kody tomich32379C 0:22.617
68Ryan Stoll16990C 0:22.648
69tyler conklin24889C 0:22.679
70Jimmy Griffin31491C 0:22.679
71Ryan Stewart35288C 0:22.718
72Brody Fisher38500C 0:22.718
73Alan Nevers23129C 0:22.726
74Matteo Brusi26954C 0:22.757
75Josh Dalglish27944C 0:22.796
76Calum Garrett26824C 0:22.843
77Brock Ballinger21809C 0:22.851
78chase m39918C 0:22.875
79chase odom5369C 0:22.882
80Benjamin Krauß36808C 0:22.882
81christopher rodriguez31653C 0:23.070
82wilson fleming3939C 0:23.125
83Dawson Sleeper27846C 0:23.148
84Ben Kongmany35560C 0:23.195
85shelby Rempel36241C 0:23.195
86Justin Adams Jr30971C 0:23.218
87Tristan Ratzlaff32521C 0:23.421
88Nic Swensgard22996C 0:23.484
89Rance Lewellen33223C 0:23.507
90Arnaud Evrard38908C 0:23.554
91Michael Fox26566C 0:23.578
92Jake Cawthorn36649C 0:23.656
93Carter Greer21267C 0:23.695
94Brandon Austin38619C 0:23.960
95Troy Bienert35546C 0:24.414
96Luke Peterson39900C 0:24.507
97Colby Ostbye30950C 0:24.531
98Brandon Quigley23972B 0:25.507
99mattia vincenti38027C 0:28.085
100Joey Amato35824C 0:33.406
101Chance Setser37021C 0:44.281
102jt dee15235BNo Sessions
103Matthew Marguglio19387CNo Sessions
104Jarno Steegmans19627CNo Sessions
105seth petersen19993CNo Sessions
106Josh Bellinger22061CNo Sessions
107Bentley Tondu22207CNo Sessions
108Derek Jones23778CNo Sessions
109Hamish McMillan26147CNo Sessions
110carlos Rivera26284CNo Sessions
111Ben Humphries30001CNo Sessions
112Josh Howard30333CNo Sessions
113Nathan McLaughlin31541CNo Sessions
114tukker mclean33089CNo Sessions
115Brendan Carrington33356CNo Sessions
116Tristan Raycraft33540CNo Sessions
117Brody Biggs34527CNo Sessions
118Tanner Scott36549CNo Sessions
119Landon Bartol37215CNo Sessions
120Kyle Paleologos38696CNo Sessions
121gunnar ortiz45543CNo Sessions

450 AM(Open) - Top 32 Qualify

1Ethan Howell15268A 0:19.898
2Tyler Scheels23780C 0:20.117
3Jimmy Neutron26349C 0:20.484
4Tyson Johnson22165C 0:20.601
5Alec Horn19554C 0:20.625
6Jason Stubbs28851C 0:20.671
7Jacob Kelly34905C 0:20.679
8Noah Bindas28277C 0:20.710
9Brody Barton34825C 0:20.757
10Ashton Rakofsky24566B 0:20.929
11Jake Spease30371C 0:21.000
12Doug Bauer15483C 0:21.046
13Ryder Gwynn18752C 0:21.062
14Brandon Huntington3965C 0:21.250
15Chase Morales21437C 0:21.281
16Kyle Ianuale21528C 0:21.335
17Jacob Barnes23865C 0:21.343
18Josh Bellinger22061C 0:21.359
19Thomas Ball16549C 0:21.375
20Johnny Mayo23155B 0:21.398
21Cole Roberts38350C 0:21.398
22Miguel de Waal19848C 0:21.445
23Lawson Dye30681C 0:21.468
24Wyatt Carter13203C 0:21.500
25brandon larsen38230C 0:21.539
26Jesse Hinde37932C 0:21.562
27Eli King38175C 0:21.570
28JT Cox24640C 0:21.585
29Noah Smerdon29577C 0:21.585
30sam butler26920C 0:21.593
31Jonathan Hewitt38722C 0:21.617
32Luca Giampaolo19617C 0:21.648
33Logan Walker25534C 0:21.656
34Unclaimed Account34999C 0:21.726
35Ryan Stewart35288C 0:21.726
36Justin Sanders5382C 0:21.757
37Timmy Briscoe19001B 0:21.781
38brock Gardina 23863C 0:21.789
39cody mcmurray31340C 0:21.843
40Jack Borg25371C 0:21.859
41David Fernandez25766B 0:21.929
42Kaleb Armstrong30410C 0:21.976
43freakin steez33556C 0:22.117
44Christian Dresser17809C 0:22.179
45Owen Adams22023B 0:22.257
46Tristan Ratzlaff32521C 0:22.257
47eric kidney8694C 0:22.484
48Jake Cahir21060C 0:22.523
49Collin Minnick26684C 0:22.617
50Ryan Stoll16990C 0:22.648
51Calum Garrett26824C 0:22.843
52chase m39918C 0:22.875
53chase odom5369C 0:22.882
54Shawn Lucero36711C 0:22.937
55Jarno Steegmans19627C 0:23.046
56Matt Thompson29904C 0:23.101
57Justin Adams Jr30971C 0:23.218
58Brittan Lees24402C 0:23.476
59Jake Cawthorn36649C 0:23.656
60Brad Rosembarg37110C 0:23.812
61Brandon Austin38619C 0:23.960
62Troy Bienert35546C 0:24.414
63Ryan Rosenbach27761C 0:24.453
64Bentley Tondu2207CNo Sessions
65Vinny Villafane2559CNo Sessions
66Giancarlo Harrison18484BNo Sessions
67Leon Tye18628CNo Sessions
68Kevin Eding20486CNo Sessions
69LIAM Atkinson25419CNo Sessions
70Hamish McMillan26147CNo Sessions
71Luke Griffin29543CNo Sessions
72Josh Howard30333CNo Sessions
73tukker mclean33089CNo Sessions
74Alexandre Couderc34582CNo Sessions
75jordan miller36618CNo Sessions

Pro Open(Open) - Top 32 Qualify

1Matias Janice17932A 0:19.804
2tyran tomich32866C 0:19.921
3Tyler Scheels23780C 0:20.117
4Seth Garrett18588A 0:20.148
5Rhys Harris45660C 0:20.226
6Colby egeland23901B 0:20.343
7Nick Tomasunas8501C 0:20.406
8Blake O'Brien17921C 0:20.406
9Trevor Spencer31221A 0:20.453
10John Hileman31403C 0:20.476
11Devin DUH Simonson36799C 0:20.539
12Ryan Pinkerton36809C 0:20.539
13Colt Hans30353C 0:20.625
14Cody Branson15155A 0:20.640
15Noah Karassy19791B 0:20.695
16Jett Holyhead30293C 0:20.710
17Joseph Pilsner22937C 0:20.765
18Carson West26504C 0:20.765
19Anthony Twidle4100A 0:20.867
20JR Reyes37458C 0:20.890
21Josh Hoover30342C 0:20.953
22kick buttowski32029C 0:20.984
23Dylan Love29623B 0:21.007
24Jake Kazarian32017C 0:21.023
25Dominic Saulnier1809A 0:21.031
26Jonathan Alexander29287A 0:21.078
27Daniel Paz25560C 0:21.156
28Brandon Nigrin22612B 0:21.257
29laquan williams31521C 0:21.289
30Juan Gomez37993C 0:21.312
31Griffin Cumbridge18103C 0:21.414
32oscar manias18203C 0:21.570
33Tristan Powell32796C 0:21.609
34Chandler Bloxom25877A 0:21.648
35Tallon Coane18892B 0:21.773
36Jacob Cumbridge18101B 0:22.062
37will clark11019C 0:22.148
38Gerald Hurkderger18709B 0:22.210
39Gianluca Holder30249C 0:22.453
40caleb white34021C 0:22.906
41Richard Lorran15997C 0:23.304
42Trevor Shaffer22919A 0:23.796
43Chris Post22504C 0:31.453
44James Armstrong4591ANo Sessions
45Linus Andersson5586CNo Sessions
46Gavin Smith10250BNo Sessions
47Kael Braden24832CNo Sessions
48Unclaimed Account32846CNo Sessions
49Rhys Harris33274CNo Sessions
50jordan miller36618CNo Sessions

125 Open Results

1Seth Garrett1858825
2JR Reyes3745822
3Jakob Hubbard2397120
4Jacob melton1986518
5Rogan McIntosh2850916
6Carson West2650415
7Jacob Kelly3490514
8Tyler Smith1066113
9Jadon cooper3662412
10Chuckie Nigrin3202111
11Hayden Stevenson2337910
12Devin DUH Simonson367999
13cody COOPER373648
14Ryan Pinkerton368097
15Sonny Spicer238316
16Josh Hoover303425

250 AM Results

1Noah Karassy1979125
2Jadon cooper3662422
3Hayden Stevenson2337920
4Alec Horn1955418
5Tyler Smith1066116
6Christopher McPherson3185715
7Brody Barton3482514
8Ryder Gwynn1875213
9Jacob melton1986512
10Cole Roberts3835011
11Justin Sanders538210
12Jett Holyhead302939
13Zac Palm173098
14John Matthews393127
15Sonny Spicer238316

450 AM Results

1Tyler Scheels2378025
2Brody Barton3482522
3Alec Horn1955420
4Jacob Kelly3490518
5Carson West2650416
6Joseph Pilsner2293715
7Tyler Smith1066114
8Noah Bindas2827713
9Josh Boaz3499912
10Justin Sanders538211
11Cole Roberts3835010
12Ryder Gwynn187529
13Juan Gomez379938
14freakin steez335567
15Jack Borg253716
16brandon larsen382305

Pro Open Results

1Tyler Scheels2378025
2Seth Garrett1858822
3Jakob Hubbard2397120
4Alec Horn1955418
5Rogan McIntosh2850916
6Trevor Spencer3122115
7Carson West2650414
8JR Reyes3745813
9Tyler Smith1066112
10Joseph Pilsner2293711
11Ryan Pinkerton3680910
12oscar manias182039
13Chandler Bloxom258778
14Juan Gomez379937
15Blake O'Brien179216
16Noah Karassy197915
17Dominic Saulnier18094
18Jett Holyhead302933

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